Quick™ Arsenic Econo (NCW-481298)

Dhs. 791.00
(Net Price excluding applicable; VAT, Customs Duty, Delivery Cost)
Part No: NCW-481298

Industrial Test Systems, Inc. features the Arsenic Econo-Quick test kits that are designed using cutting edge chemistry, to be easy to use without technical training, give faster results than other testing methods and at affordable prices; as the name suggests, this kit is the choice when price per test is a factor.


This Arsenic Econo-Quick testing kit reports accurate results for Inorganic Arsenic in 12 minutes. The performance and accuracy of these kits has been verified by USEPA through the ETV program (www.epa.gov/etv). These kits are recognised throughout the world as the premium arsenic field test kits.


0.0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000 ppb (μg/l)


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Test Quantity

300 tests

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